After much searching I was finally able to find a caste system pyramid that shows all five parts of the caste system. Most pyramids that show the Indian caste system do not include the Untouchables. The omission of the Untouchables in most of the caste system pyramids is very similar to how the Untouchables are not considered to be a full part of Indian society. Another detail that is able to be seen from the pyramid is how the Brahmin, Kshatriya, and Vaishya castes are twice-born groups. The caste of Sudra and Untouchables are not twice-born groups as evidenced by the caste pyramid. The designation of the Sudra and Untouchables not being twice-born groups is just another way that the three higher classes subjugate the lower classes. There is a very strong connection between this and the way the Alpha’s and Beta’s create the Delta’s, Gamma’s and Epsilons to be weaker, of smaller stature and less intelligent. While in India culture they do not purposely make the lower castes weaker, they are forced to know that they are less than the higher castes all their lives. This way they never try and break free from the caste system that has controlled them for so long.